
Articles by Branded Translations
Translation agency experience matters

Translation Agency vs. Individual Translators

What to look for when selecting a resource for localizing your marketing materials.

Congratulations, your company is expanding into Mexico & Canada.  Inevitably, your marketing content now has to be translated into Spanish and French.  The marketing coordinator, who was assigned to look for professional translators online, comes in with few names of translation agencies and a list of French and Spanish translators.  At first glance, every resource seems to have the basic linguistic qualifications. But how do you know what’s best for your project?

Your goal is to work with professionals who will understand the project, know how to overcome translation challenges and turn in quality work – on time and on budget. More importantly, when it comes to the translation of marketing copy, you want the localized content to resonate with your target audience with the same persuasion and creative quality as the original.  

In this article we explore and explain some of the criteria to consider when selecting a translation resource. In particular, the benefits of an agency instead of working with a translator directly. 

Here are three reasons why you should choose to work with a reputable translation Agency.

  • Experience in handling complex content

Before starting any translation project, it is important to ask the right questions. An experienced agency will invest thought & time in selecting the right translators for your project. 

While many translators claim to be native speakers, in this case Spanish, it is important to ask which version of it is their native language.  Choice of vocabulary, expressions, idioms may be very different depending on the same language speaking country or a region of it.  The selected Spanish translator must be from the same Spanish speaking country as the target market, in this case Latin America, specifically Mexico.

It is also important to make sure the translators know the subject matter, recognize cultural nuances and have some understanding of marketing for their local markets.

  • Quality assurance

Most translation agencies have a process in place, working with a team of translators, to ensure quality and accuracy at every step.  They make sure there is a second set of eyes looking at the translation. This is not the case when company chooses to work with a translator directly.  Generally, translators translate, as well as edit and proofread themselves.  This may result in undetected inadvertent errors and familiarity flaws. 

Also, most agencies will translate and retranslate specialized content by different translators until it meets the client’s satisfaction. This is the policy at BrandedTranslations.com

  • Transcreation capabilities

There are many agencies and linguists that can provide an accurate translation for most content. However, only a few specialize in transcreation, which is a less literal form of translation, focused on preserving the creative quality and message intent rather than a word-for-word translation. This is particularly important when localizing advertising content. Think of your average headline, brand name or slogan. They often have a double meaning or creative angle that simply doesn’t translate well into other languages.  You will need an agency that understands this, while working with specialized linguists and offering up back translations for you to judge the quality of work.

  • Final details

When it comes to finalizing and packaging the translated content in the same format as the source, translation agencies have the right tools and resources to do so.  They provide desktop publishing services for print as well as online content. 

As additional service, some will also provide culturally sensitive design options in order to make the collateral more appropriate for certain target markets.

For accurate & effective marketing & advertising translations, contact brandedtranslations.com 


Branded Translations is a specialized language agency, focused exclusively on the translation, transcreation and localization of marketing & creative communications. We help international organizations and advertising agencies reach global and multicultural audiences through quality translations that are on time, on budget and on brand.
Post By Branded Translations
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